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Smile Town Book Club: The Tooth Book, By Dr. Suess

Smile Town Book Club: The Tooth Book, By Dr. Suess

Teeth: they sure do come in handy when you need to chew or smile! In The Tooth Book by the ever popular Dr. Suess, kids learn all about the things their teeth can do, and how to take care of them, too!

The Tooth Book is a hilarious, somewhat irreverent look at all things teeth.

From who has teeth (zebras and girls named Ruthie) and who doesn’t (snails and jellyfish) to what you should and shouldn’t do with your teeth (for instance, don’t chew trees!), this book is full of both sage and silly advice about taking care of your teeth!

And the most important takeaway of all? Never bite your dentist! He’s your teeth’s best friend.

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