We all know that pop is bad for teeth because of the acids and sugars it contains, but it may surprise you to learn that our Langley children’s dentists advise against fruit juices for the same reason!
While certain fruit juices have more nutritional value than pop does, it can still be harmful to teeth. Our Langley children’s dentists recommend that children consume fruit juice in moderation only, ideally as an occasional treat. Here’s why:
Fruit juices contain lots of sugar.
We all know that fruit itself contains sugar, but that fruit is nonetheless considered healthy. For many people, it seems obvious that fruit juice would therefore also be healthy. But it doesn’t really come close.
When the juice is extracted from fruit, most of the fibre that is in the fruit is stripped away, leaving only the sugary liquid behind. It’s the fibre that helps the sugar metabolize more slowly, making it less harmful for your health to eat an apple than to drink a glass of apple juice.
In addition, many fruit juices have extra sugar added in. Some fruit juices even contain more sugar than pop does. All that sugary liquid spells out bad news for your kids’ teeth!
Fruit juice contains acids.
In addition to sugar, fruit juice also contains acids. Just like the acids that are produced by the sugar-eating bacteria in the mouth can erode dental enamel, so too can the acids found in fruit juice.
Again, some fruit juices contain more acids than pop does!
Fruit juice does not come close to actual fruit when it comes to nutritional benefits – it’s always better to have an apple than a glass of apple juice, and water is always the best choice for thirsty kids!