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Do kids really need orthodontics?

Do kids really need orthodontics?

Did you know that even young children can have orthodontic issues treated? Our team at SmileTown Langley list how interception orthodontics and early treatment can help your young child's oral health. 

Many parents are surprised to learn that orthodontics can play a role in the oral health of even young children. 

If our team at SmileTown Langley identifies an orthodontic problem in your child early on, we may recommend minor corrective treatment options or refer you to an orthodontist if needed. 

Ideally, misalignment between teeth and orthodontic issues are diagnosed and treated before they set in fully. This is known as interceptive orthodontics and can help guide children's teeth into their correct positions as they grow - preferable to correcting problems later. 

Early Detection - The Key to Successful Treatment 

Historically, orthodontists typically did not start treating orthodontic issues in children until they reached the ages of 12 to 14, when permanent teeth are already erupting. 

Dentists also once often recommended tooth extraction to create space for the final phase of movement of teeth and to correct bite issues. 

However, with the advancement of orthodontic knowledge, interceptive orthodontics has allowed us to treat children at a much earlier age (typically between 7 and 11 years) and use a child's continuing growth to our advantage. 

Much like other oral health issues, early detection can play an important role in successful orthodontic treatment outcomes. If an orthodontist is able to assess children's orthodontic issues early, sometimes we discover developmental issues that need interceptive orthodontic treatment. These specific issues may include:

  • Uneven jaw development
  • Teeth crowding
  • Constricted plate, which causes misalignment of back teeth (also called crossbite) 

This type of treatment still allows us to reduce risk of trauma to front teeth, influence jaw growth to improve facial symmetry and expand the jaw to create space for crowded teeth. We may also be able to avoid the need for tooth extraction, which can have negative oral health implications later. 

though invasive treatment such as extraction may resolve one orthodontic issue, it's also an option that can have unintended long-term negative consequences, such as misalignment. In addition, interceptive treatment can also help reduce treatment time as your child enters their teen years.

No matter your child’s dental issue or orthodontic problem, our team at SmileTown Langley can perform an early evaluation to help determine whether your child is a candidate for orthodontic treatment.

We can also help you navigate orthodontic treatment options (which may include interception braces, oral appliances or Invisalign First orthodontic aligners), explain the impact they’ll have on your child’s smile in the short-term and long-term and assist you in making a well-informed decision.

Do you have questions about your child's orthodontic health or their options for treatment? Contact our dentists today

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